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Citizenry, make noise, for your Life..

dear citizenry,

I am another you.

It comes to my mind that in many respects, we now live in a society that is only formally democratic, as the great mass of citizens have minimal say on the major public issues of the day, and such issues are scarcely debated at all in any meaningful sense in the electoral arena.

Like for example- Child begging at Rly stns and traffic signals is not surprising, but is disturbing nevertheless. it has always been a matter of concern and equally baffling, why this gross apparent human indignity is tolerated by us and Why our Govts. & Justices are least bothered.

Though I could not find answers for why we are silent onlookers, but surely I got answer for Why Govts. & Justices care little. The Answer is, "Since We dont care, Our Govts. & Justices too dont care". Govts. dont do their jobs simply because We dont want 'It' to be done. It is "us" who never wished "sincerely" that Childrens shouldnt beg for living. Hence, It makes little sense to pull Govts for all the rubbish acts they do and honest act they dont do. There lies our "consent" in all those Govt acts and omissions. So, We shouldnt be surprised if Govts. care little if our Farmers commits suicides.

Instances are endless.

I have recorded a ONE page letter to Shri Chidamabarm, the present Home Minister of India. Of course, it is NOT expected that he will immediately swing into action after receiving this letter. Of course this letter needs to be supplemented with many other actions, including moving in the court of law for desired relief. And i also feel that if bulk of the citizenry will record letter, not same but on similar lines, he may feel swinging into action.

The consistency with which we are reported of murders and other forms of goondaism that is happening around us and equal consistency with which 'we' remain unharmed for so many years despite so, one cannot avoid the conclusion, I am quite safe. We all think so.

We should have a desire to know what is going on. I request all my brothers and sisters to get concerned and agitated. "I" cannot but "WE" can influence. Spread the word.

While we follow uncritically, and obey whatever he command. That's just what the Germans did with Hitler, and look where he got them.

Sandeep Jalan

My Letter is:

Subject: a Noteworthy Murder, Kidnapping amidst Marathi / Non Marathi Orchestra.

Date: 5th February 2010

To, Shri Chidamabarm, The HOME Minister of India.
Ministry of Home Affairs, North Block
Central Secretariat
New Delhi - 110 001
Phone: 23092011, 23092161
Fax: 23093750, 23092763

Today Morning newspaper has a front page noteworthy news. Free Press Journal. Murdered while at Sleeping at HOME, in Kandivali, mumbai, India, planet earth. Yesterday Hindustan Times too had one noteworthy news. A 11 year old boy was kidnapped and later murdered. (Emphasis added)

I think it requires a bulk of courage and conviction for a man to break into a house and execute a murder and equally courageous for a man to kidnap a 11 year old child from public street in broad daylight. It appears, that man import courage and conviction while comparing courage & conviction of our police man. Perhaps, that man know it well, not much police are present everywhere nor the police patrol and if at all police come across, he can easily handle the present police "force".

One thing is quite plain. There are criminals, dangerous and petty, unfear of anything, spread out in society, in the whole of India, and they strike at will.

The law of the land expect so much, especially from police constabulary. They have been given the duty to prevent Rioting, Murder, Robbery, Dacoity, Kidnapping, Extortions, Rape, Organized drug trafficking, human trafficking, Crimes of Slumlords, AK-47/56 armed terrorists including other petty offences. Given the lawless order of the day we the people witness, leave alone the history sheeters, even petty offenders appear to have not feared of present symbolic Police force of the country. Nevertheless, the Cane Constabulary themselves work in continous danger to their own life whilst their counterpart are armed with modern day weapons.

Whilst the central and state govts are found fascinated to enact stricter Penal laws. Yet, the whole purpose of having penal laws is that they may not be applied at all, by effectively preventing the commission of same, by powerful street presence of well equipped police force.

In the light of above, may I request the Home Minister Shri Chidamabaram, the Commander, to direct all State Govts to constitute a special & dedicated constabulary force, for every district, that will cover at every corner of the district land and whose 24x7x365 powerful presence will threaten the evil intentions of the man who has started on the path of committing murder/ rape/ kidnapping/ robbery.

While you have given to yourself a VIP security of Life, is it unfair to seek a reasonable security of our lives, if not VIP ?

Sandeep Jalan


Law Referencer:


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