Attribute and meaning : Every litigation presupposes the existence of a “cause of action”, that is to say, infringement of a right, thereby giving a right to move the Court of law, for the enforcement and realization of that infringed right. For the right to move the court of law, the aforesaid right sought to be enforced, should have already come into existence, and there should be an infringement of it, or there must be serious and imminent threat of its infringement. Legally speaking, the cause of action means, a bundle of facts which taken with the law applicable to them, gives the person a right to relief against another person. It also means every such fact, which if traversed, it would be necessary for the first person to prove in order to support his right to the judgment of the Court. [AIR 2012 SC 3912; AIR 1989 SC 1239] Dimensions: Broadly, the Cause of action has two dimensions, one, making averments of such material facts in the proceeding, which are suffici...