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Showing posts from January 8, 2019

Dissection of a Plea

What is Plea. Plea is an assertion of a fact in a legal proceeding; and would also include such pleas constituting the principal grounds on the basis of which a claim is laid or a relief is prayed for in the Court of law. What is dissection. According to Blacks dictionary, the act of separating into constituent parts, for the purpose of its critical examination. So, I will be dissecting the legal expression “Plea”. A Plea is an assertion of a material fact, and sometimes, an assertion of an argument or sometimes the crux of the whole case of the Party advancing the Plea. In my understanding of things, a Plea/Fact is always composed of two things, one, the legality of the Plea and two, the truthfulness/falsity of the Plea. Any and every assertion of material fact, must have legal sanctity, that is to say, the assertion of a material fact or assertion of any argument must be legally sustainable. And if such assertion of fact is not legally sustainable, there is no occasion...