Parliamentary elections in our country can best be referred as festival of democracy and yet test of it, where the entire world looks at us for being the largest democracy. I could not resist speaking few words about democracy. Democracy is achieving of numbers where citizens of age of reason has collectively posed faith in one and rejected all others. The democracy entails that a sovereign citizen agrees to forego his/her sovereignty to the sovereign govt in return for rule of law. The Sovereign Govt thus thereby ensure rule of law in the society. At the outset I make sincere effort, of course with my limited wisdom, to outline attributes and elements of a Manifesto by Political Sovereign- A manifesto by a Political sovereign is a positive and palpable promise and also an appeal to adult franchise of the citizens of India, that if they are so voted to be able to form a Govt, a Govt which is endowed with all inherent powers and privileges like other sovereign Govts of the worl...