This blog originated in the felt need to ponder where it is found that Indian Public authorities are fascinated to interprete laws to their convenience and logic and issue notices as they deem fit, completely devoid of spirit of the enacted laws. In modern democracies, wide powers vest with Legislators, Judges, with Govt, and with Bureaucrats. Each group, if it so wishes, may act quite fancy, in any or all the ways thus far specified hereinafter. Nevertheless, the authorities in charge may be disproportionately rude if you happen to be in even irrelevant shortcoming. The Scent of power is immense. The Public Servants / Officials were deemed heard, saying, in the words of learned Professor Upendra Baxi- (1)As an Authority of Public Power, I have this and that power. I exercise it in this or that manner because I so wish. The only good reason which I exercise my power this or that manner is that I wish to exercise it in this or that manner; (2) As an Authority of Public...