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FORM I [See Rules 5(1) and (2) and 17(3)]

Impugned Provision / other anomaly

Breach of Section / Article

Under Rules 5(1) and (2) and 17(3)

Encroach upon the Legislative Policy of the Parliament.

[See Rules 5(1) and (2) and 17(3)]
Domestic Incident Report under Sections 9(b) and 37(2)(c) of the
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (43 of 2005)
1. Details of the complainant/aggrieved person
    (1) Name of the complainant/aggrieved person:
    (2) Age:
    (3) Address of the shared household:
    (4) Present Address:
    (5) Phone Number, if any:
2. Details of Respondents:
Sl. No.
Relationship with the aggrieved person
Telephone No., if any

3. Details of children, if any, of the aggrieved person:
        (a) Number of Children:
        (b) Details of Children:
With whom at present residing

4. Incidents of domestic violence:
Sl. No.
Date, place and time of violence
Person who caused domestic violence
Types of violence
Physical violence

Causing hurt of any kind, please specify

(i) Sexual violence
Please tick mark [ ] the column applicable

□ Forced sexual intercourse
□ Forced to watch pornography
     or other obscene material
□ Forcibly using you to entertain
□ Any other act of sexual nature,
     abusing, humiliating, degrading
     or otherwise violative of your
     dignity (please specify details in
     the space provided below):

(ii) Verbal and emotional abuse

□ Accusation/aspersion on your
     character or conduct, etc.
□ Insult for not #bringing dowry, etc. □ Insult for not having a male child
□ Insult for not having any child
□ Demeaning, humiliating or
     undermining remarks/statement
□ Ridicule
□ Name calling
□ Forcing you to not attend school,
     college or any other educational
□ Preventing you from taking up a job
□ Preventing you from leaving the
□ Preventing you from meeting any
     particular person
□ Forcing you to get married against
     your will
□ Preventing you from marrying a
     person of your choice
□ Forcing you to marry a person of
     his/their own choice
□ Any other verbal or emotional
     abuse (Please specify in the space
     provided below)

(iii) Economic violence

□ Not providing money for maintaining
     you or your children
□ Not providing food, clothes,
     medicine, etc. for you or your
□ Forcing you out of the house you
     live in
□ Preventing you from accessing or
     using any part of the house
□ Preventing or obstructing you from
     carrying on your employment
□ Not allowing you to take up an
□ Non-payment of rent in case of a
     rented accommodation
□ Not allowing you to use clothes or
     articles of general household use
□ Selling or pawing your stridhan or
     any other valuables without
     informing you and without your
□ Forcibly taking away your salary,
     income or wages etc.
□ Disposing of your stridhan
□ Non-payment of other bills such as
     electricity, etc.
□ Any other economic violence
     (Please specify in the space
     provided below)

(iv) Dowry related harassment

□ Demands for dowry made, please
□ Any other detail with regard to
     dowry, please specify:
Whether details of dowry items, stridhan, etc. attached with the form
□ Yes
□ No

(v) any other information regarding acts of domestic violence against you or your children

(Signature or thumb impression of the complainant/aggrieved person)               
5. List of documents attached
Name of document
Any other detail
Medico legal certificate

Doctor's certificate or any other prescription

List of Stridhan

Any other document

6. Order that you need under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005
Sl. No.
Any other
Protection order under Section 18

Residence order under Section 19

Maintenance order under Section 20

Custody order under Section 21

Compensation order under Section 22

Any other order (specify)

7. Assistance that you need
Sl. No.
Assistance available
Nature of assistance

Police assistance

Assistance of initiating criminal proceedings

Shelter home

Medical facilities

Legal aid

8. Instruction for the police officer assisting in registration of a Domestic Incident Report:
    Wherever the information provided in this Form discloses an offence under the Indian Penal Code or any other law, the police officer shall
(a) inform the aggrieved person that she can also initiate criminal proceedings by lodging a First Information Report under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974)
(b) if the aggrieved person does not want to initiate criminal proceedings, then make daily dairy entry as per the information contained in the domestic incident report with a remark that the aggrieved person due to the intimate nature of the relationship with the accused wants to pursue the civil remedies for protection against domestic violence and has requested that on the basis of the information received by her, the matter has been kept pending for appropriate enquiry before registration of an FIR
(c) if any physical injury or pain being reported by the aggrieved person, offer immediate medical assistance and get the aggrieved person medically examined
Place:                                                                             (Counter signature of Protection Officer/Service provider)
Date :                                                                                                                     Name:
Copy forwarded to:
  1. Local Police Station
  2. Service Provider/Protection Officer
  3. Aggrieved person
  4. Magistrate

My Argument

1.      Form I, inter alia, furnish illustrations which would constitute Domestic Violence. Such illustrations purport to illustrate the various forms of domestic violence recited in the definition of domestic violence in section 3 of the Act.

2.      It is submitted that defining the scope and ambit as what would constitute “domestic violence” within the meaning of Section 3 of the Act, is the Legislative Policy and prerogative of the Parliament. Further, perusal of section 37 of the Act, it would reveal that Rule making power have not been conferred upon the Central Govt in respect of section 3 of the Act.

3.      Therefore, by way of executive fiat, the scope and ambit of domestic violence cannot be further defined by the Central Govt, directly or indirectly. A thing which cannot be done directly cannot be done indirectly. The Central Govt cannot amplify the scope and ambit of “domestic violence” under the text of sections 9(b) and 37(2)(c) of the Act.

4.      It is further submitted that whereas the breach of protection of Order, thereby restraining the Respondent from committing any act of domestic violence, postulates a criminal offence upon the Respondent, it would be impermissible to amplify the ambit and scope of legislative Policy which is contained in section 3 of the Act.

Legal issues !!
If you are facing any of these issues like (a) Recovery of Moneys (b) Immovable property disputes (c) grievances against Municipalities & Govts., including challenge to legitimacy of laws etc. (d) grievances against illegalities and highhandedness of Police like illegal arrests, refusal to register FIR, deliberately flawed investigations, etc (e) False FIRs (f) False Claims (g) False evidences (h) Grievances against Judges (i) Illegal or perverse Orders of the Courts / Tribunals, among others.
If you are looking for draft of any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the nature and attribute of any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the procedure followed in any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the grounds on which any order of the court / tribunal is challenged; or if you are facing any frivolous litigation.

Law Referencer:

Thank you.


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