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Strict Penal Laws Vis a Vis Strong Constabulary

Whilst the ‘State’ is found fascinated to enact stricter Penal laws ostensibly to prevent crime, yet, the whole purpose of having penal laws is that they may not be applied at all, by effectively preventing the commission of same by powerful street presence of well equipped force.

The law of the land obliges Police force to prevent Commission of offences like Rioting, Murder, Robbery, Dacoity, Kidnapping, Extortions, Rape, Organized drug trafficking, human trafficking, Crimes of Slumlords, AK-47/56 armed terrorists including other petty offences.

Given the lawless order of the day we observe, leave alone the history sheeters, even petty offenders appear to have not feared of present symbolic Police force of the country. Yet the Police institution have been fairly successful in terrorizing the common men. Nevertheless, the Cane Constabulary themselves work in continuous danger to their own life whilst their counterpart are armed with modern day weapons.

Further, it is seen that the State Govts find their Police force admittedly incapable of handling suddenly emerging emergency situations. Army is roped in break down of law and order, during floods, and by the time Armed forces arrive to the scene much damage has been achieved.

I may be accused of being poor enthusiast, yet the 'State' should be pressurized to strengthen & rejuvenate the Police force, in particularly the Constabulary who form the foundation of the entire Police structure having street presence, to a degree where they inspire confidence of the society and instill fear in the mind of potential offenders, so that they can effectively carry out duties expected from them. All it may sound idealistic, but this is the bare minimum to have peace and thus progress.

The alacrity with which we constitute various committees and commissions is matched only by the inaction on the voluminous reports laboriously produced by our finest brains and from men of eminence in Public Life and there should be equally outstanding and compelling grounds to say that they do not deserve to be adopted or if they are not practical to be adopted.

It is akin to say that an ailing patient is enthusiastically attended by all Specialists, illness diagnosed and patient left unadministered and ailing.

Bottom-line is: Ensuring safety of life & Property of every men & women is the very first duty of every Govt of the world. All duties come later.

Sandeep Jalan

Legal issues !!
If you are facing any of these issues like (a) Recovery of Moneys (b) Immovable property disputes (c) grievances against Municipalities & Govts., including challenge to legitimacy of laws etc. (d) grievances against illegalities and highhandedness of Police like illegal arrests, refusal to register FIR, deliberately flawed investigations, etc (e) False FIRs (f) False Claims (g) False evidences (h) Grievances against Judges (i) Illegal or perverse Orders of the Courts / Tribunals, among others.
If you are looking for draft of any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the nature and attribute of any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the procedure followed in any legal proceeding; or if you want to know the grounds on which any order of the court / tribunal is challenged; or if you are facing any frivolous litigation.

Law Referencer:

Thank you.


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