Hi, I am documenting a credible resource for Arbitration matters, that includes: (a) check list before filing of St. of Claim, or section 9 or 11 Applications, S.34 or 37 Appeal, either by the Judgment debtor or by the Claimant, check list before passing of Award; (b) compilation of latest rulings on almost all important issues that arises in Arb. Proc. (c) Templates of Statement of Claims. (d) Templates of oral and written arguments. (e) Nature of legal proceeding. (f) Draft Rules for the conduct of Arbitration, that may be adopted by any Trade Association or by any other Entity / person, including by Advocates. May Explore: Check list: https://www.litigationplatform.com/Judgment/Index/54ed92df-1ed1-483f-8792-1f76cb98b278 Rulings: https://www.litigationplatform.com/Judgment/Index/766cd7c2-1157-4bc0-ab3a-908f77a88a68 Templates of Statement of Claim: https://www.litigationplatform.com/Judgment/Index/a233ae51-d92b-4f9c-864e-b21f55a5896d Proced...
It is said that Bail is Rule and Jail is an exception in Bail Cases. In a Society, which we do call it civilized, a Jail reduces a human being to animal. Jailing is akin to chaining human, where inherent human dignity is imminently lost. A Justice, Judge or a Magistrate, being a reflection of superior human being, must deemed to stand for personal liberty, and can never argue for chaining a fellow human, unless it is vehemently shown that fellow human has acquired an Animal instinct of grave danger. Therefore, in Bail matters, where limited issue is of personal liberty, a Judge indisputably stands for personal liberty. Therefore, Bail matters are inherently different from other Legal Cases. In other Legal Cases, the Judges, dispassionately, may be deciding rights of the parties. But in Bail matters, Judges stand for Personal liberty; and therefore in Bail Cases, Judges have to “argue” passionately, Impugning Prosecution, in favour of personal liberty, unless a...