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Unknown said…
Sandeep you are doing a wonderful job by educating the citizens.I would like to add here that there is a need to educate the citizens in details of their rights particularly by approaching the collectors, sr. officers like municipal commissioner on lokshahi din which is held on the first monday of every month. The results are amazing. Adv. Vinod C. Sampat
RTPL said…
A very useful information for common man.

thanks a lot
G R Vora said…
Dear Sandeep,
I am sure you may have written a detailed article on various Sections of Laws which could be evoked by common man (or Sections violated) when the public servant either does not perform his duty / abuses his powers / manipulates laws to aid the guilty / indulges in falsification of records / indulges in corruption etc. If you have done so then please could you e-mail me the link to it on "" id. If not written then I request you to do so that it could be used by citizens to make the administration accountable for their actions.
Thanks and kep up the excellent work !
G R Vora
Cell : 09869195785
amit said…
Good compilations. Quite helpful..keep up the good work and lets be united against this dirty law of IPC 498 which breaks families.
P.S.SANDHU said…
proud to be on your valuable work for those peoples whose not aware about their rights,mainly villagers peoples of India...
pls write a book in hindi about these topics peoples knows more for this...
Anonymous said…
Great point you make there. good POST.. I like your perspective on this subject.

Property lawyers Delhi
noblestride said…
You've put in a lot of hard work. Great job. Thank you.

Vivek Karmaa Subba
noblestride said…
You've put in a lot of hard work. Great job. Thank you.

Vivek Karmaa Subba
RAMAN said…
Really worth to read so much informative....wish you good luck
Raman sharma, jammu
Unknown said…
Thanx for sharing information. This blog is very informative and I would like to see some more blogs on this topic.

Constitutional Matters Advocate
Unknown said…
This is very informative & helpful for the honest & common man of our country
Dear Sandeep sir;
Ireally appeciated & I hope all of my volunteers will get the biggest benefit from this blog. I hope my NGO will need help from You.
I request you sir Can you help our NGO if any assistance regarding you coming if in future?
Thank You again for your helpful suggestion which is much more necessary for every citizen, bcoz no such people in India is a not a victim by Indian Police.

Regards heartily
Saraju Nayak
Unknown said…
Nice thought with this blog I enjoy studying and I conceive this website got some truly utilitarian stuff on it!

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Gaurav Malhotra said…
Hi Sandeep,

Appreciate your work done.
Please suggest that from where can I buy this book?

Thanks in anticipation
Unknown said…

Great Post! This blog is ever informative. Thanks

Property Matter Advocate
Unknown said…

Great Post!I appreciate your efforts. This blog is ever informative. Thanks....

Corporate Advocate In Delhi
Unknown said…

This was a really Nice post. thanks for providing this info. Thanx :)

Criminal Lawyer in Delhi
Unknown said…
Hi Sandeep

Great job! Thanks for your efforts to educate the public - Suresh Kumar
Unknown said…
good one.. very benefit to common man.. from this each and every man can rise their voice about corruption..
Unknown said…
Thanks a lot.. Very Useful for a common man.. Keep up with your good work..

I have a few questions if you don't mind.
1. Can a police officer raise hand on a citizen if at all the citizen cross questions
the offices about the situation.
2. Is it legal to record a video of a conversation done between the person and officer.
3. If I am out with a female friend with her consent in a public
place does an officer have any rights to interfere.
4.If a police officer interferes in a matter where a female is present what information about me and the female is he liable to have and what information am I bound to give.
5. What to do in a situation of moral policing done by the officer.
Anonymous said…
Keep it up!! You have done the nice job having provided the latest insurance
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
Very helpful! Thanks..........

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